Portrait Drawings Category

Last week I taught another 2-day Idea Mapping Workshop in Long Beach, CA for Boeing. One of the favorite activities outside of the idea mapping is around teaching participants to draw a portrait of a human face using some of the techniques taught by Betty Edwards (author of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain). […]

My last posting included an example from the drawing activity in my recent 2-day public Idea Mapping Workshop. Thomas Tombros from Ontario, Canada drew a portrait of Anthony Hopkins using some of Betty Edwards techniques. Mohammed Haboubi commented on my Idea Mapping Facebook page and shared this video. For those of you who like to […]

A couple weeks ago I held a public Idea Mapping Workshop. (More details in my August 17 post.) One of the favorite activities outside of the idea mapping is around teaching participants to draw a portrait of a human face using some of the techniques taught by Betty Edwards (author of Drawing on the Right […]

This drawing was created by Janet Forton who is a friend and colleague from my old EDS (now HP) days. She took what was then called my Mind Mapping Workshop (now updated to Idea Mapping Workshop). During on of the activities participants are challenged to apply a learning model to do what many consider to be impossible […]

In February of 1992 I was a participant in a 2-day Mind Mapping Workshop for the first time. It was taught by one of my colleagues Randy Raines. For many of the activities Randy had us apply a learning model to learn new skills that quite frankly most adults think of as impossible tasks. Drawing […]

I still have so many Idea Mapping Workshop photos to share from the various workshops I’ve taught around the globe. So today I’m going to share some new ones from a workshop at Boeing. The top photo shows engineers and other professionals attempting to juggle. The purpose of this activity is teach participants a skill […]

No she didn’t trace it! This portrait drawing was created by Stephanie Neill during my recent 2-day public Idea Mapping Workshop held at the Mindjet Offices in San Francisco. The purpose of this activity is to put adults into learning situations they think impossible. Then they apply a learning model and some brief instructions in […]

The first Idea Mapping Workshop for Abu Dhabi Oil Company (TAKREER) was delivered last month by Jamie Nast and Safa Hijazeen – Founder of Forward Training and the Middle East Idea Mapping training team headquartered in Amman, Jordan. Ironically one of the participants was born and raised in west Lafayette, Indiana and went to Purdue […]

Here are a few more photos from the Idea Mapping Workshop I taught in Jordan in May 2010. You can find additional photos and idea maps from this event in the June 29, 2010 posting, the June 12, 2010 posting, the May 27, 2010 and the May 10, 2010 posting. The first photo was taken […]

Idea Mapping Workshop participants from my second visit to Jordan earlier this month prove to be fabulous artists with very little instruction.  The first posting about this workshop was the May 10, 2010. The purpose of this activity is to apply a learning model to a skill most adults don’t think they can learn. This […]

Idea Mapping Blog

The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.




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