HEADLINE: The Secret To Tapping Into Your Unused Brainpower!

Idea Mapping (order from Amazon today!) is a simple and profound tool that helps individuals improve planning, creativity, thinking and learning while simultaneously creating and producing incredible results. An idea map is a colorful, single-page diagram that visually captures issues we face each day. This technique gives people the increased ability to more competently plan, organize, communicate, remember, innovate, and learn — and accomplish these faster than ever before! By engaging both hemispheres of the brain, this approach frees us to think, see, and understand far more efficiently than when using a multi-page, linear document outlining the same information. The associative process that Idea Mapping uses is easy to learn and mirrors how the brain naturally and freely connects information. This book teaches readers how to create and read idea maps, describes the three keys to developing idea maps, and guides readers in overcoming potential obstacles when initially learning this skill. Idea Mapping includes a wide array of actual maps (and the stories behind them) created and used by 21 business people around the globe. Whether you’re an overwhelmed businessperson, an overworked entrepreneur, or someone who just wants to solve problems better and faster, Idea Mapping is a perfect guide for anyone who wants to work more efficiently—and achieve success in business and life. Jamie brings her practical workshop right to the reader.

A CD-Rom is packaged with each book and includes: a 21-day trial version of MindManager software by Mindjet (the world’s most successful mapping software provider), Flash demos that show this product in action, and PDFs that provide more information on how to use the software, as well as information on how others have used it themselves.

Jamie Nast (Plymouth, MI) is a licensed Master Trainer and Manager of the Americas for the UK-based company, The Learning Consortium. She regularly conducts workshops and has taught Idea Mapping to more than 14,900 (as of February 2009 she’s now taught over 17,000) people around the world. Jamie’s workshops augment mental aptitudes and maximize personal productivity. Her range of expertise spans idea mapping, speed reading, leadership, creating personal missions, memory, presentations, tapping creativity, empowerment, strategic planning, graphic facilitation, and learning to learn. She has been published in Personal Excellence and been a guest on VoiceAmerica.com. For more information see www.IdeaMappingSuccess.com.

0-471-78862-7• US$ 24.95/CAN$ 31.99/UK£ 16.99• Hardcover
Available September 2006 wherever books are sold and available on