An Idea Mapping Success Blogs Weblog
Scott Hagwood is a great friend, and many of you have been introduced to him through the memory portion of my workshops. I like to keep you up-to-date with people like Scott and Vanda North, so today is a Scott update.
He will be speaking at a Senior Expo in Pinehurst, NC on October 6 (PR Forthcoming), a Teen Expo in Fayetteville, NC on October 12, 2007, and A Secrets of the Expert Mind Series during the Leadership Challenge seminar in Pinehurst, NC on November 14, 2007. Scott is also referenced in the October edition of Health Magazine in an article titled, “The Best Memory Boosters For Women.”
If you haven’t picked up a copy of Scott’s book, I highly recommend Memory Power.
The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.
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