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An Idea Mapping Success Blogs Weblog
Derek Roberts is a product design engineer who attended the 2-day Idea Mapping Workshop held at ACH on October 3-4, 2007. This is the first map he created following the workshop. The above meeting minutes were from a Design Review with a potential new supplier for a glove box dampener — a small part that you don’t see, but it makes the glove box open slowly and controlled when you unlatch it.
The map covered meeting attendees and the following key areas:
For the pdf version of this map go to my website. If you click on any column it will sort alphabetically and you can then search by author or map title, etc.
Hint #16 – Meeting notes are a great place to start implementing your Idea Mapping. Typically they are a “safe” environment and the information is shared at a reasonable pace. Give it a try.
The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.
Idea Map #57 - Did We Read the Same Article (Map 6 in the Series)? | Idea Mapping
July 2nd, 2009 at 9:43 am
[…] on any column it will sort alphabetically and you can then search by author or map title, etc. See Derek’s other idea map from a design meeting on the October 15th posting. Bookmark us!Close Bookmark and Share This […]