
One of the features of my website is found on the “Book” Page. This feature is the ability for anyone to upload a pdf of an idea map so that it could be viewed on my website. Most people have emailed those files to me directly and I put them up myself — until now.

A few weeks ago Michael Huxley posted this map on my website. Because I never had anyone actually do this, it took me a while to figure out how to approve it. I can’t tell you anything more about him or even send him a thank you. I think I may have found him on LinkedIn, but not sure if this is the correct Michael or not.

I created a jpg of his idea map, but it might be easier to read the original pdf he put on my site. In his description of the idea map he wrote, “This is a map of developing a new business idea and evaluating its commercial potential.” It’s actually a fascinating map. Michael — drop me a line if you’re out there somewhere!