vizthink-breakout-session-agenda-mapOn Friday February 1, 2008 I blogged about the VizThink Conference in San Francisco for which I was fortunate to be a speaker. This posting is solely dedicated to the breakout session that Susi Watson and I did together on January 28, 2008.

I’ll describe these maps from top to bottom. The first map is the agenda for the 90-minute session. Susi pre-drew the central image, and the rest she created live while participants also created their agenda maps.

After several activities which taught how idea maps are created, we shared a number of uses for idea maps from corparations and individuals around the globe. This “Uses” map housed all of our examples.

Next we did a group activity around the question, “What Would Make Your 2008 Great”? In groups of 4-5, participants individually brainstormed around that question and then merged all of their ideas onto a large map. Maps from 3 groups are included here. Finally while looking for commonality across all of the maps, Susi (along with input from the group) created a high-level MindManager template for anyone to begin thinking about what would make 2008 GREAT!

