mindjet-webinar-january-22-2009-overview-michael-versionThis is Idea Map #145. This map was used to guide me through a recent Mindjet Webinar (January 22, 2009) with Lisa Fait and Michael Deutch (both from Mindjet). During this webinar the following items were discussed:

  • Definition of Idea Mapping
  • Origins of Idea Mapping
  • Hand-drawn vs. software-generated maps
  • Who uses Idea Mapping?
  • Why does it work?
  • Benefits of Idea Mapping
  • Demonstration of how to plan a meeting, facilitate, and follow-up after the fact
  • A variety of Idea Maps created by mappers around the globe

You can listen (and see) the recorded version of this webinar. Today the February Mindjet Newsletter will be released. Go to Amazon to buy a copy of the Idea Mapping book.