Planning a Party Idea Map

To Do Idea Map

As a result of some lengthy discussions with the participants of my December 7-8, 2009 public Idea Mapping Workshop in Florida, I have a new Facebook page. So many students are either struggling with learning and retaining information for their studies OR they think studying is just plain boring. Idea Mapping and mind mapping are still relatively unknown tools. For some teachers who encourage clustering or webbing (less sophisticated graphical tool), this technique rarely is used outside of Language Arts.

This new page is specifically dedicated to high school students who are learning to use idea mapping in their studies and life. The examples will range from  studying for the SAT Test, every subject in high school, planning parties (first example above), and “to do” maps (second example above). I will also be sharing (and encouraging students to share with each other) learning strategies, memory techniques, and other studies skills. I am officially inviting all high school students to share their examples and comments with me and each other. Let’s improve those grades!

P.S.  For those of you who have been to my regular Facebook page it can be a little confusing with me having two pages. On the more business-focused wall I’m in pink with colored markers. On the high school wall I’m in blue.