Living Beyond the Dash - Week 1

Idea Map #237 is going to be the first part of an Idea Map that gets built over a period of four weeks. I rarely share my own Idea Maps, let alone one for more personal purposes. But I think the process I’m going to show you is equally applicable in business.

Oak Pointe Church in Novi, Michigan is doing a 4-week series titled “Living Beyond the Dash”. My intention is to build one large map that will house the teachings from all four weeks. You could equate this to building one large Idea Map over time for a class, a project, research, or for any situation where you want to capture information over time. Because my purpose is to increase my retention of the material, I will take the time to utilize imagery and color. What you see above my change over the upcoming weeks — we’ll just have to let it unfold!

If you want to correlate my map to the actual message you can download the video or audio version to your iTunes. Also for anyone that wants the original MindManager file, email me at info(at)ideamappingsuccess(dot)com and I’ll send it to you.