Drew Davis - Using Idea Mapping or Mind Mapping for PresentationsDrew Davis - Using Idea Mapping or Mind Mapping for Presentations With BoundariesDrew Davis - Making Customers Powerful 1Drew Davis - Making Customers Powerful 2Drew Davis - RegulationDrew Davis - OutcomesDrew Davis is a Senior Business Analyst at Larimer County Public Works Division in Fort Collins, Colorado. I met him in June of 2008 when I taught my first 2-day Idea Mapping Workshop for Larimer County.

The top attached map was created by Drew (using Mindjet) and used to prepare an innovation award nomination presentation (using PowerPoint) to his Senior Management Team. The map was used to summarize how the innovation was conceived, what was innovative about Larimer County’s implementation of Fleet Services as a Utility, and what he believed the potential outcomes to be.

All the information in this map is somehow included in his presentation. In order to show you how he went from this map to an 11-slide PowerPoint presentation, I’m highlighting 4 areas on his map and sharing an image of how each one of the 4 was dropped into a slide.

For those of you interested in more details on how this map was used, I’ll let Drew tell you in his own words:

Fleet Services at Larimer County traditionally performed the repair and maintenance on light duty (cars, pickups, vans, police cars) and heavy equipment such as road graders, bulldozers, and dump trucks.  The customer departments paid the cost of repairs, maintenance, and fuel and in most cases the County’s general fund paid for the replacement of the equipment.   Under the traditional model there were issues determining the cost of delivering services to our customers and defining the decision making process between Fleet Services and the customers.

Under the Fleet Utility Model, all services related to light and heavy fleet equipment must be procured through our Fleet Services Department.  To assure that the customers have a strong voice in what services are offered and the cost of those services,  a Customer Advocacy Board was created to represent the interests of the customers in determining what services would be available and the cost of the services.
The Fleet Utility model will provide elected offices and departments with the vehicles and equipment necessary for the delivery of their services to the Citizens of Larimer County.  It provides a means for offices and departments to:
  • Fully understand the full cost of acquiring and using vehicles and equipment
  • Makes the cost more predictable and easier to budget
  • Give offices and departments more choices in what services they purchase with their budgeted funds
I used idea mapping, with MindJet Manager, to work through the significant mental blocks I had creating the presentation using a direct to PowerPoint methodology.  I invested a couple of hours using idea mapping to develop what I had a tried to do over several days using the direct to PowerPoint process.
 For the presentation, I used the idea map as the central focus of the presentation  augmenting it with a few traditional PowerPoint slides.  I was able to use relationship lines to carry the connection of ideas and concepts between slides.  I believe this hybrid approach to the presentation permitted me to effectively present the key concepts of the project in the allotted 10 minutes.
On April 29 the Fleet Utility Project was awarded a 2013 Larimer County Innovation Award http://www.larimer.org/news/newsDetail.cfm?id=2035 as one of the top innovations in Larimer County.  I believe that the use of idea mapping as a core concept in the presentation gave the project an advantage in selection process.