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An Idea Mapping Success Blogs Weblog
On February 16, 2010 I shared the first posting, February 25, 2010 the second posting, and February 27, 2010 the third posting about the first group of professionals to attend the Idea Mapping Workshop in the Middle East. This event was held in Amman, Jordan and organized by Forward Training and Consulting LLC. Here are […]
Yesterday concluded the first Idea Mapping Workshop in the entire Middle East. This event was organized by Forward Training and Consulting LLC. It was one of the most inspiring groups I have ever had the privilege to teach in 18 years of doing this work. Workshop success was so exceptional that we have already scheduled […]
In April of 2009 I taught two Idea Mapping Workshops at Boeing. A few days ago I received an email from Gordon Kranick with this portrait attached. Here was Gordon’s message to me: “Tired aerospace engineer finishes art project for rejuvenation 2.5 months later! Your class was on 4/28 and I found the half finished […]
On June 5, 2009 I began to share about a recent workshop I taught at CPPIB in Toronto. Part two was posted on June 26, 2009, and today is part three. As part of the Idea Mapping Workshop, participants are taught skills they don’t think they perform so that they have to come face-to-face with […]
Glenn Stennes is a CIMI (Certified Idea Mapping Instructor) who owns a consulting company in Macedonia. He went through the Idea Mapping Certification Course in April of 2008. As part of that workshop participants are given a brief set of instructions and a technique to recreate a portrait of a human face. To learn more […]
The last several weeks I’ve been reporting on a 3-day event I taught at Larimer County Government in late February. I’m still posting photos from the 2-day Idea Mapping part of this event. Today I’m sharing the portrait drawings completed by the participants. Normally few people are able to complete this activity in the time […]
In 2008 I taught more workshops than any other year since I began teaching in 1992. In these hard economic times the Idea Mapping Workshop is in high demand because participants are taught many tools that help them to: 1) Do more with less 2) Get their arms around complex and large amounts of data […]
I have a big backlog of things to share, but I haven’t shown you a portrait in a while and this is only the second time that someone has completed Marilyn Monroe. (The first was the previous week at Boeing which I will share in another posting. This past week I was at OTPP (Ontario […]
As I mentioned in my June Update Posting, I recently taught the 2-day Idea Mapping Workshop at Boeing in Seattle. I promised to share idea maps and portraits from Boeing and the other Companies I visited in June. The first of these finished portraits is from Joel Landoe (Boeing) who has contributed several maps to […]
In my 2-day courses titled “Idea Mapping: A Learning Workshop“, participants are taught a learning model and then apply that model to learning a variety of new skills. Drawing a portrait of a human face is one of those skills. For more on the purpose of this activity see the June 27,2007 posting where I […]
The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.