An Idea Mapping Success Blogs Weblog
I still have so many Idea Mapping Workshop photos to share from the various workshops I’ve taught around the globe. So today I’m going to share some new ones from a workshop at Boeing.
The top photo shows engineers and other professionals attempting to juggle. The purpose of this activity is teach participants a skill they think impossible by using a learning model that breaks the learning into small manageable pieces that build incrementally.
Photo #2: As you can see there are lots of toys sprinkled out on the tables. This helps create a fun and playful learning environment which increases memory and creates a whole-brain experience. This clever Boeing attendee drew an aircraft with the Etch A Sketch.
Photo #3: These gentlemen are practicing their Idea Mapping skills through this activity.
Photo #4: This portrait was drawn by Michael. Again the intent of this activity is not to make artists, but rather to put people into learning situations they think impossible. Using a learning model I show them so basic techniques to breaking this daunting task into manageable pieces.
Photo #5: People come up with some of the craziest ways to dress Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head!
A good time was had by all.
The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.
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