Differences Between Idea Mapping and Mind Mapping Category

On May 7, 2012 I wrote a post about Idea Mapping Guidelines vs. Mind Mapping Laws. Although idea mapping has a rich heritage in mind mapping, the mind map laws are sometimes restrictive, squelch creativity and/or do not enhance the purpose for creating your map. The least realistic mind mapping law is that each branch […]

In my May 14, 2009 posting I explained what I consider to be small but significant differences between Idea Mapping and Mind Mapping. I expanded a bit on one of those reasons in my May 7, 2012 posting about how Idea Mapping breaks the Mind Mapping Laws laid out in the many books on Mind […]

People attending my Idea Mapping Workshop often ask me what the difference is between an Idea Map and a Mind Map, so today I thought I would show you a few of the differences. Mind Maps are governed by a strict set of laws as defined by the trademark and other published materials. An Idea […]

Idea Mapping has a rich heritage in mind mapping. However I often get this question, “What is the difference between idea mapping and mind mapping?” I use the term “Idea Mapping” rather than “Mind Mapping” for several reasons. First I use the term idea mapping out of respect for the mappers who map strictly by […]

After my July workshop at ACH, one of the participants (Karen Southworth) told one of the guys she worked with (Duane Lawrence) about the class. He is really interested in attending the upcoming October offering. This is what Karen shared with me: “Duane looked at Ray’s Idea Mapping book the other day, and checked out […]

Idea Mapping has a rich heritage in mind mapping. Mind mapping is governed by a set of strict laws — each of which have merit in certain situations. For 15 years I’ve seen professionals struggle with trying to stick to using one word per branch. Mappers were frustrated and didn’t understand the rigidness of this […]

Idea Mapping Blog

The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.




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