Registration is open for the public Idea Mapping Workshop that will be held in Toronto on June 11-12, 2013 and taught by Jamie Nast – author of Idea Mapping. Register here and review the course abstract for more information. I look forward to meeting all who plan to attend and sharing a fun two days of learning.

In my April 2, 2013 posting I blogged about the upcoming 2013 Visual Thinking Conference that will be held April 13, 2013. This idea map shows the conference schedule for the day, the facilitators, their session topics, links to their websites and/or blogs and room locations. I created this idea map using Mindjet, so if anyone would like the Mindjet original (so that you can click through to the live links) just pop me an email and I’ll send it to you.

For those of you attending the conference I look forward to meeting you on the 13th! Register today if you haven’t already.

The 2013 Visual Thinking Conference is for anyone focused on visual approaches to thinking and communication. So whether you are a business leader giving presentations, a marketing manager designing websites and materials,  a grade school teacher looking for new ways to reach students, or a student, no other event offers you more of today’s solutions… and tomorrow’s vision.

During the event, we’ll cover lots of topics.  Here are just a few of the topics you might expect to find:

The keynote speaker this year is Jessica Hagy — Her blog, Indexed, was named on of Time Magazine’s best blogs of 2008 and was a Webby Award winning site in 2010.

Her work has been featured on the BBC Magazine Online, in Business Week, WIRED, Good Magazine,,, The New York Times, Redbook, Golf Digest, and


Many of the speakers run workshops and conferences all over the globe. Their sessions often individually cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars. The fee for the entire day with this great line up is only $125 for business people and community members (and that includes a continental breakfast and box lunch)! There are even special rates for teachers & college students ($50) and grades 9-12 students ($25).

This event will take place at Seaholm High School. Click here for the day’s schedule and the line-up of facilitators. I (Jamie Nast) am included in that list.

Here are photos from the 2nd Idea Mapping Workshop I taught at Ball State two weeks ago. The Learning & Development (L&D) organization at Ball State University (BSU) offered two Idea Mapping Workshops for BSU employees and businesses from the surrounding area. This was the first time that Idea Mapping has been introduced into the L&D curriculum.

The response to these workshops was positive and I hope to share some of their Idea Maps with you soon! Thank you Jerry Winans for planning this event. See the March 25, 2013 posting for photos from the 1st Idea Mapping Workshop.

The Learning & Development (L&D) organization at Ball State University (BSU) offered two Idea Mapping Workshops for BSU employees and businesses from the surrounding area. This was the first time that Idea Mapping has been introduced into the L&D curriculum.

The response to these workshops was positive and I hope to share some of their Idea Maps with you soon! Thank you Jerry Winans for planning this event.

When this idea map was created Karen Maggard was the second V.P. of a large insurance company and was having serious problems with one of her employees. She described the issues as we talked on the phone. As she talked I mapped.

In this case the purpose was to capture the information as quickly as she was sharing. Therefore the use of multiple colors was unnecessary and the number of images was limited.

When we were done I sent her the idea map. It was a helpful tool going into her next round of discussions with this employee. The map kept her focus on the issues and not on the emotions of the situation. This idea map was one of the examples I included in my Idea Mapping book.

Last week I had the privilege of working with one of my favorite clients again — Larimer County Government in Fort Collins, Colorado. This event was a Leadership Summit where Colorado public officials and business leaders from the community were invited to gather for a strategic planning session.

The purpose of this unique forum was to understand the present condition of Larimer County as a community and organization and provide input that identifies where Larimer County should be in five years. Outcomes hoped to include the identification of initiatives and concerns.

So you may be asking what my role was in this whole day. I was the keynote speaker during the lunch hour. My purpose was:

  1. To share some of my learning, experience and expertise in order to enhance the idea generation process which would happen in the afternoon sessions.
  2. To facilitate some activities and instruction that would remove or at least limit creativity & brainstorming barriers.

I think we accomplished both! It was great to reconnect with familiar faces and meet some new friends. For previous workshops at Larimer County see the July 2008 and the April 2009 postings.

Next week I will be teaching two 3-hour Idea Mapping & Memory sessions for faculty and administration at Ball State University (BSU) in Muncie, Indiana. If you are employed at BSU or are a graduate student you can register for the 8:30 – 11:00am or 1:00 – 4:00pm sessions online. Business professionals are invited to attend at no charge and can register by contacting Jerry Winans at or 765-285-1819. The session descriptions are as follows:

Jamie Nast – author of “Idea Mapping” will host two 3-hour interactive sessions on March 14, 2013 that will provide you with an introduction to Idea Mapping and Memory. These workshops are for anyone that wants to be more successful and improve their ability to learn. You will learn the Idea Mapping Guidelines, experience the associative nature of your brain, see Idea Mapping examples from professionals around the globe, and create your own Idea Maps. Most people have at one point in time been told to memorize information, but are rarely taught how to do so. Jamie will teach you simple techniques used by memory champion Scott Hagwood. It is suggested that you bring 6-10 fine-tip colored markers. Visit this link to read an article about Idea Mapping published by Purdue University’s Krannert Magazine:

Registration is still open, but seating is limited.

To Sell Is Human – A New Book by Daniel Pink

26 Feb 2013 In: Books

Many of you know that one of my all-time favorite books is “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink. In my March 31, 2009 post I shared an idea map that I created of this book. On December 31, 2012 Pink launched another book titled “To Sell Is Human” and it is getting great reviews.

To Sell Is Human offers a fresh look at the art and science of selling. As he did in Drive and A Whole New Mind, Daniel H. Pink draws on a rich trove of social science for his counter-intuitive insights. He reveals the new ABC’s of moving others (it’s no longer “Always Be Closing”), explains why extraverts don’t make the best salespeople, and shows how giving people an “off-ramp” for their actions can matter more than actually changing their minds.

So stay tuned to see my idea map on this latest book of Pink’s.


College student Melinda Dang is a frequent contributor to this blog. She has been experimenting with various idea mapping apps on her iPad. She made this example for fun because she was playing with app called “Brushes.”  The double tap to zoom makes it easy for her to map on her iPad. This is her favorite feature of this app. Thanks for sharing Melinda!

Idea Mapping Blog

The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.




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