James White Positive Dog Mind Map or Idea MapMeet James White. He uses Idea Mapping to amplify self-help reading. I’ll let him tell you the rest:

“I’m a fan of self-help books but I often come across the problem that I can’t remember everything I read. To solve this problem, I started creating mind maps to outline important quotes, key pages that I might want to visit again, and a general overview of the book.

Creating idea maps also helps me visualize the information and key points, and thereby retain them better and longer. Not only that, but they can be kept in the front of the book or in a binder and used as a point of reference down the road, to quickly recall the information.

You can use idea maps to draw out whole books or even just individual chapters. You can also include page numbers with specific points, quotes or reference figures in order to find that particular piece of information quickly once again. 

I’ve created a very basic idea map example above, which maps out a self-help book about keeping a positive outlook in life. I read The Positive Dog as a requirement for one of my online college courses. I drew this idea map back then so that I could remember the important points and any added take-aways to help me stay positive years later.

If you are someone who has a difficult time remembering what they read, idea maps are a perfect substitution for taking notes. The process of both creating the idea map and then reviewing that map will help you to retain information more effectively.”

James is a freelance writer, photographer and part-time content creator. Read more articles from James on his blog InfoBros and follow him on Twitter @JGtheSavage

Biggerplate Unplugged Mind Map ConferenceOn Thursday, 16 October 2014 from 9:00 – 17:00 in Berlin, Germany Biggerplate will host yet another Mind Map Conference. I was fortunate enough to both speak at and participate in the March conference earlier this year in San Francisco. It was very  worthwhile to meet so many new people as well as colleagues I’d only known online. Highly recommend this for all mappers (and non-mappers) that can attend.

The early bird special of €39.00 is available through August 15, 2014. On the registration page you can see the names of those who have already purchased their tickets. Yikes! Now I’m wishing I was going …

John Pestotnik - Source Trivia Mind Map or Idea MapI recently did an Idea Mapping webinar for nearly 1,000 members of the Global PMI Communities of Practice. I took them through an activity that demonstrates the associative nature of our thinking and how an Idea Map is created based on our associations.

John Pestotnik was one of those participating in the webinar. He developed a music-driven, audience-interactive, free-association trivia game called “Be the Hit of the party!”  John found an idea map to be the perfect tool for capturing the associations between a song and the freely-associated trivia exposed via the game.

If you are looking for a new form of group entertainment, you may want to check it out at Source Trivia or review the press release.

I am excited to announce that I will be teaching my Idea Mapping Workshop in Bournemouth, UK September 17-18, 2014. This workshop is open to the public and is limited to the first 20 who register. Here is the Course Abstract.

The fee is $695 USD and you can register here for this event or any other Idea Mapping Workshops schedule for 2014.

Idea Mapping Workshop Flier - Bournemouth 2014

Jetpack Decision-Making MeetingIf you want to take your meetings to the next level consider using Mindjet’s new JetpackMindjet has put together a package of tools, templates and tips to help you turn meetings back into a way of collaborating, making decisions and getting things done. The Meeting Jetpack provides the methodology and mechanisms to make all your meetings more meaningful.

This map from the Jetpack guides you through a decision-making meeting. The notes included on each branch (you can’t see these in the jpg) provide excellent insights to help you be successful.

Other idea maps included in the Meetings Jetpack include: Brainstorming, Feedback, Informational, Pre-Meeting Investigation, Problem-Solving, Stand-Up, and Work Session Meetings.

Number of Idea Mapping Participants 7-2014I crossed the 23,000 mark! As of this moment I have trained 23,162 individuals in Idea Mapping. This new record was set as a result of last week’s 392 participants in the Idea Mapping DDM Leadership Series at NIH.

In this graphic you can see that from 1992 thru 2001 I trained nearly 12,000 people. That’s where this graph starts. “2” represents 2002, “3” represents 2003, etc. and these numbers are cumulative over the last 22 years.

I think it is also interesting to note that most of the professionals that have taken my Idea Mapping Workshop have been part of a small course between 20-30 participants. People still comment that it is one of the best  courses they have ever attended and they wish they had learned the tools contained in the workshop when they were in school. Never too late to learn.

132 Attended Live NIH Idea Mapping SessionNast Teaches Idea Mapping or Mind Mapping at NIHLast week 392 NIH employees attended my Idea Mapping Workshop for their quarterly DDM Seminar Series. CFO and Deputy Director for Management (Colleen Barros) introduced me once again. I previously taught another part of her organization in October of 2012. It was an honor to be invited back a second time and to be counted among other well-known names like Daniel Pink (just to name one of my favorites).

132 attended the live session in the auditorium and an additional 260 participated via video-cast.

In the afternoon I had the opportunity to speak with a smaller subset of this group for a time of Q & A. Each person in attendance committed to using Idea Mapping for a specific application of their choice.

On July 22 we are going to have a Yam Jam to follow-up with these 392 folks to see how they have used idea mapping in the last 4 weeks. Will share some of those non-proprietary examples on this blog.

National Institutes of HealthTomorrow I’m looking forward to teaching Idea Mapping to nearly 500 participants in NIH’s DDM Seminar Series. This is the second time I’ve been asked back onto this palatial campus. They are expecting 150-200 people to attend the live session and 200-350 viewing the simulcast. I look forward to sharing some of their Idea Maps with you!

Phil Swettenham - 6 Sigma Summary Idea Map or Mind MapOn Tuesday June 17, 2014 I delivered an Idea Mapping Webinar to 950 members of the Global PMI Community. Around 67% of those in attendance were new to Idea Mapping or were somewhat familiar, but hadn’t found a use for it yet. At the end of the webinar I challenged the participants to create a map that I could share on this blog — and here is the first one from Phil Swettenham.

This idea map summarizes 6 Sigma. Phil created it as a memory jogger and as an outline for a presentation he was giving. He states, “I migrated to mind/idea mapping years ago finding it the only method that allowed me to think, take notes and condense information spherically. For the first time I saw a tool that allowed me to take notes the way my mind worked. You gave me some new ideas to continue to enhance the approach, thank you.”

Phil is a Principal at Forpath Consulting — a company specializing in leading/influencing business innovation.

Global PMI Webinar Outcomes – June 17, 2014

19 Jun 2014 In: Webinars

PMITuesday’s webinar was a tremendous success! There were 950 people from around the globe who attended. Watch this blog for upcoming Idea Maps from this audience. I have already received several examples for all to see and enjoy. Thanks for the great responses after the session and I look forward to seeing and sharing more idea maps from this group.

As a result of this webinar I’ve been asked to deliver the same session for the Global PMI Consulting Communities of Practice in August. To attend the full 2-day Idea Mapping Workshop see the scheduled public workshops for the remainder of 2014 and the course abstract.

Idea Mapping Blog

The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.




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