An Idea Mapping Success Blogs Weblog
All ready for a new group of Idea Mappers who are excited for two fun-filled days of learning! Those in attendance for the Idea Mapping Workshop include professionals, business owners and a pre-med student! I’ll share photos of their idea maps after the class is over.
I recently read an article in the April 2013 Fast Company magazine titled The Visual Shift. It talked about Facebook’s $715 million acquisition of Instagram and Pinterest hitting 2.5 billion monthly page views. Writer Joe Stewart states, “The ability to instantly communicate through imagery now seems to transcend everything for businesses.” Sites like Facebook decided that images are more important than the written word.
I’ve been advocating for the power of visual imagery for over 21 years. Images activate the right cortex of the brain and can provide a message that cannot be recreated using text. The old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words is really true. When images are combined with words it creates a whole-brain experience that is more memorable.
When I first starting teaching idea mapping and mind mapping workshops there were occasionally some business folks who played down the value of including pictures in their maps. They thought it might come off as unprofessional. Guess they were wrong!
This image-filled idea map by Michael Shaw took 8 pages of text to describe. Have you made the Visual Shift? Join me for an Idea Mapping Workshop and you’ll never look back!
When Intel asked Clarity Creative Group in Las Vegas, Nevada, to help introduce its new microprocessor architecture to the market, Partner and Executive Art Director Gregg Stokes and his team used this idea map to focus on the complex product’s key benefits: increased computing power and efficiency derived from putting dual “cores” onto a single chip.
Stokes’s map distilled hours of meetings, pages of notes, and large quantities of information into a colorful, single-page idea map that summarized the project at a glance. It ultimately served as the basis for an animated, 3-D presentation that energized and educated the client’s internal sales force on how the new technology could be marketed to its customers.
“I have used idea maps countless times to summarize technical details for projects that need to be organized and structured,” says Stokes. For many clients, he says, “the idea map is the first time they see the project as a structured whole instead of as pieces and parts.”
This idea map is also one of the examples that I shared in my Idea Mapping book.
Just a reminder that I’m teaching a public Idea Mapping Workshop in Livonia, MI on August 7-8, 2013. I know there are many of you out there who have been waiting a long time to attend this workshop. I apologize that these are rather rare occurrences. Most of my work is inside corporations, so it takes a bit of time to gather enough participants in the various areas of the country where most of the requests are initiated. If I can get two more participants I’ll be able to hold this course.
I look forward to meeting those of you planning to attend this event. Dress is casual and comfortable as there will be a light physical activity on Day 1. If interested you can register here or view the course abstract.
For anyone looking into becoming a CIMI (Certified Idea Mapping Instructor), this workshop fulfills one of the first requirements toward that certification. See you there!
Be creative when you are marketing a new business. A friend of mine has had a cleaning business for nearly 3 years and just incorporated under a new LLC name – “Dirt Busters.” Owner Julie Cook uses earth-friendly products and provides residential, commercial services for homes, apartments, move-outs and special events. This Idea Map gives you all you need to know about bring Dirt Busters to you!
I recently taught an Idea Mapping Workshop for PRA International as part of their Leadership Retreat. A couple weeks after returning home one of the participants (Simon) was putting his 10-year old daughter to bed. She was taking him through one of her workbooks and she said “yeah we use mind mapping all the time”. This is Alice’s map on William Shakespeare. I’ve never seen such an impressive example from someone so young. Any parent would be thrilled to have their child taught by Alice’s teacher! Thanks for sharing Simon!
I look forward to meeting those of you planning to attend this event. Dress is casual and comfortable as there will be a light physical activity on Day 1. If interested you can view the course abstract.
For anyone looking into becoming a CIMI (Certified Idea Mapping Instructor), this workshop fulfills one of the first requirements toward that certification. See you there!
YouTube DirektIdea Mapping for PRA International
This slideshow is 2:19 minutes in length and captures group activities, idea maps juggling and other memorable moments from this all day event held May 16, 2013! A good time was had by all. Thanks everyone for a great day! For more details about this workshop see the May 21, 2013 posting and/or the May 24, 2013 posting.
Gareth Adams created this idea map during last week’s Idea Mapping Workshop that I taught for PRA International. He uses lots of images and humor to communicate his meaty message:) Enjoy this entertaining example. No veggie burgers for this man and bacon is a must!
Gareth lives in the UK and is the Senior Director of Data Services for PRA International.
In my May 8, 2013 posting I mentioned that I would be teaching a surprise 1-day version of my 2-day Idea Mapping Workshop for a group of professionals. So 54 of the top 2% of PRA International’s best and brightest from around the globe gathered at Orlando’s Ritz Carlton last week for 5 days of fun and learning.
On May 16, 2013 the Idea Mapping Workshop was the feature for the first full day of this retreat. A great time was had by all. I’ll be sharing more photos, idea maps and other updates from this event in future posts. In the meantime I want to say thank you to the PRA planning team — Colin Shannon (CEO), Patrick Spine (VP, Human Resources), and Linda Baddour (CFO). Finally a special thanks to Paul Guerrero from Meeting Protocol Worldwide whose attention to detail is unmatched.
PRA is a leading CRO (Clinical Research Organization).
The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.