An Idea Mapping Success Blogs Weblog
The first Idea Mapping Workshop for Abu Dhabi Oil Company (TAKREER) was delivered last month by Jamie Nast and Safa Hijazeen – Founder of Forward Training and the Middle East Idea Mapping training team headquartered in Amman, Jordan.
Ironically one of the participants was born and raised in west Lafayette, Indiana and went to Purdue University where I also graduated. Half way around the world and I run into a fellow Boilermaker! This was a very fun group of learners who will pave the way for future classes at TAKREER.
I hope the readers of this blog and participants of this workshop enjoy seeing these photos! Shown below are shots of the portrait drawing activity, juggling activity and basic drawing. More to come next posting.
This Corporate Vision Map was created by CIMI (Certified Idea Mapping Instructor) Debbie Showler as an Idea Map to visually represent the core values, behaviors, and business of this organization within a large IT Company. At the time Debbie was working for a division of this US-based company in Oshawa, Ontario.
Debbie has created thousands of Idea Maps, but she specializes in doing them in the moment. During a lengthy meeting about this organizations mission and vision, she was asked to sit in the back of the room and listen to the discussion with the possibility of creating a way to visually represent the discussion. The map you see above was then used as the primary communication tool to share and support that vision.
A copy of this map was then distributed to all A copy of this map was then distributed to all A copy of this map was then distributed to all A copy of this map was then distributed to all team members and loaded as a screen save on their computers. Debbie continues to excel in teaching and using Idea Mapping throughout Canada and beyond.
This public Idea Mapping Workshop is going to be a 2-day event offered at the Mindjet offices in California. Whether you are a MindManager user or not, this workshop will be an unforgettable learning experience you won’t want to miss. Seating is limited to the first 30 participants. Author Jamie Nast will be teaching the course. See the course abstract and register today!
These photos are from a previous workshop at Mindjet two years ago.
The first Idea Mapping Workshop for Abu Dhabi Oil Company (TAKREER) contained memorable moments and sparkling personalities. This workshop was delivered by Jamie Nast and Safa Hijazeen – Founder of Forward Training and the Middle East Idea Mapping training team headquartered in Amman, Jordan.
I hope the participants of this workshop enjoy seeing these photos! Shown below are snap shots of the portrait drawing activity, juggling activity and basic drawing. More to come next posting. Safa and I both thank you for your participation.
Yesterday 69 Middle Tennessee State University students attended the Idea Mapping Workshops taught by author Jamie Nast. Enjoy the photos from the class.
This annual workshop tradition at Middle Tennessee State University was initiated 8 years ago by forward-thinking Dr. Carol Ann Baily who is the Director of MTSU’s Off-Campus Student Services. On September 16, 2010 I will teach two 3-hour sessions on Idea Mapping. In years past we have had standing room only, so register today if you are an MTSU student! Don’t miss the learning opportunity with Jamie Nast — author of Idea Mapping.
This was posted on the student Pipeline:
“Idea Mapping — a great study technique to improve your grades, prepare for tests, organize your research for writing papers! Free! for MTSU Students — a $300 value made possible for you by the sponsorship of Pinnacle Honor Society, Older Wiser Learners, the June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students and you SGA Student Activity Fee Funds. Take advantage of this free study skills seminar. ONLY offered once each fall — next Thursday, Sept. 16! Two session to choose from: 1-4 p.m or 5-8 p.m. Select whichever session you can attend. Both sessions offered in JUB 100.
Make your reservation for a spot at your selected session by calling 615-898-5989 right away!”
I look forward to seeing you all next week!
This blog contains numerous examples of Idea Maps which summarize Covey’s 7 Habits. These examples come from an activity participants go through during my 2-day Idea Mapping Works. Workshop participants create 8-10 various Idea Maps so that they have a wide range of practice before leaving the class.
The purpose of this activity is to give course attendees an opportunity to summarize an article and boil down long phrases like “Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood” into 1-2 words that resonate for them.
This particular Idea Map was created by Certified Idea Mapping Instructor, Liza Seiner. (See more of her Idea Maps by searching on her name in this blog or going to her blog.) As a certified instructor Liza has taken and observed numerous classes and has done this activity on many occasions. The last time she participated in this activity, she took an extremely creative approach and I thought you would enjoy seeing it.
Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company (TAKREER) was established in 1999 to take over the responsibilities of refining operations from Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).
Forward Training and Consulting, LLC (the Middle East Idea Mapping team headquartered in Amman, Jordan) was responsible for negotiating this 2-day Idea Mapping Course and we will be working on this project together. This class will be held September 22-23, 2010 and is closed to the public.
Other oil companies in the Middle East (including Aramco – the largest oil company in the world) have begun requesting Idea Mapping and Memory workshops. I’m so excited to bring this unique learning to the Middle East!
If you want to attend a public Idea Mapping Workshop you can join us Oct 10-11, 2010 in Amman, Jordan for our third 2010 workshop. Register here. Enjoy a 3-minute YouTube video from the first workshop in Jordan Feb 2010.
Idea Mapping helps three final Luther College students. The first posting for this Spring’s Idea Mapping Experiment at Luther College was May 19 where there is more background. Now get ready for Part 7! This will wrap up all of the examples from Dr. Schweizer’s students. Next examples will be from the Fall 2010 class.
Dr. Tim Schweizer spent one 60-minute class teaching them the concepts and guidelines of Idea Mapping. They read chapters 2-5 of the Idea Mapping book, and then spent a second 60-minute class practicing and applying their new skills.
Their assignment was to create an idea map that would be relevant to them either personally, professionally, or academically. He gave them several topic suggestions and allowed for either hand drawn or computer generated maps.
Above you will find Idea Maps #255 & #256. The top one was created by Mike Redig about the sport Ultimate Frisbee. The second one is from Kendal Van Der Poest Clement. This idea map looks at the cultural differences between the USA and New Zealand. The third and final example is from Victoria Yin and it is about her. Thank you for sharing these!
Remember: If you are a project manager and have either considered taking the PMP exam, are in the process of studying for it, have passed the exam, or gave up on the whole process — this is your chance to share your experience in this survey which takes less than 10 minutes. As a “thank you” please enter the drawing for free Amazon gift cards, free MindManager 9 software (which just came out) or an autographed copy of Idea Mapping by Jamie Nast. Full story here.
Here are a few more photos from the Idea Mapping Workshop I taught in Jordan in May 2010. You can find additional photos and idea maps from this event in the June 29, 2010 posting, the June 12, 2010 posting, the May 27, 2010 and the May 10, 2010 posting.
The first photo was taken in the conference room where we held the workshop at the Landmark Hotel in Amman. This was a beautiful piece of poetry in Arabic that I needed to have the Forward Training Team translate for me. The second photo is of Forward Training team member Suhail Zrekat who coordinates a good portion of the workshops we teach in the Middle East.
The third photo was taken during an activity where participants were creating an idea map of a summary of a book. People featured in this photo are (left to right) Umiah Fakhouri (an Implementation Consultant), Safwan Nazer from GTZ, Waleed Rasheed from Palvest, Wisam Shamroukh from UGU, and Ahmad Ayesh from Structure Consulting.
The fourth photo is an example of Umiah Fakhouri‘s portrait drawing. This activity uses a learning model to show participants that they can do impossible things (drawing) that they don’t think they can do. The last photo was me signing certificates of the completion for the workshop! PMP’s earned 15 PDU’s under category 4.
Registration is now open for the next Idea Mapping Workshop in Amman, Jordan which will be held October 10-11, 2010. Contact Forward Training if you have any questions.
The purpose of this blog is to share idea mapping examples and related learning from my Idea Mapping, Memory, Speed Reading, and Certification Workshops. This blog is dedicated to my Certified Idea Mapping Instructors, my clients, Mind Mapping and Idea Mapping practitioners around the globe.